When executives are too focused on keeping the lights on and distracted by constantly arising issues, it’s easy to lose sight of bigger business goals when there is only so much time in a day. Being reactive to problems like this can leave a company vulnerable to many threats. Especially when it comes to cybersecurity, CISO’s and other key stakeholders want to focus on higher-level business goals to be proactive about security rather than constantly putting out fires.

ThreatModeler – the #1 automated threat modeling platform for enterprise businesses – provides these stakeholders with holistic visibility and insights into their systems and network infrastructure, pinpointing potential threats and how to mitigate them. The best part is, a technology background isn’t needed to understand threat modeling, giving all stakeholders valuable takeaways they can apply to their business goals. Let’s look at the individual business benefits per role:

Benefits for Key Stakeholders

Executive & CISO Benefits

  • Meet application security policy objectives by adopting a scalable threat modeling practice that’s repeatable, collaborative, and automated process organization-wide to promote consistency, enforce security requirements, and reduce overall risk exposure.
  • Map application security policies to security requirements to drive, track, and measure security initiatives using dashboards, reports, trends, and checklists.
  • Integrate with real-world automated threat intelligence to clarify application risk and communicate the potential business impact to executive management should a security breach occur.
  • Calculate costs and prioritize mitigation efforts based upon risk rankings, threat intelligence, reports, dashboards, and metrics to align mitigation strategy with budget allocation.

Director & Manager Benefits

  • Adopt a scalable and repeatable threat modeling process that integrates with existing workflows and enables collaboration between all stakeholders.
  • Leverage dashboards, reports, trends, and checklists to view threats and validate proper security controls are in place.
  • Produce a measurable ROI by employing a framework to develop secure applications from the ground up, reducing the cost of fixing production vulnerabilities.
  • Enforce consistency by linking pre-defined, security requirements to all re-usable application and system components across the enterprise.

Security Architect & Security Analyst Benefits

  • Leverage an automated, scalable, and repeatable, threat-modeling framework that integrates with existing workflows and processes.
  • Assess the effectiveness of security controls and hardening guidelines, to meet application security policy requirements.
  • Make security testing more effective by targeting the most critical entry points in applications.
  • Measure and communicate penetration test results to executive management and development teams through automatically generated reports.

Project Manager Benefits

  • Identify security defects in the architecture to help ensure threats are mitigated up front.
  • Enforce consistency by linking pre-defined security requirements to all application components.
  • Include re-usable code for all components to meet both security requirements and quality standards.
  • Keep up-to-date with risk exposure by viewing real-time dashboards that display the current status of security posture across their application portfolio.

Developer Benefits

  • Develop applications securely by implementing pre-defined security requirements such as passwords, encryption, session management, cookie handling, input validation, etc.
  • Achieve code consistency and reduce the attack surface to meet organizational quality standards, by applying recommended security controls and coding guidelines.
  • Use automatically generated abuse cases to increase security awareness and learn how attackers exploit code components to carry out threats.

Let your stakeholders experience the ThreatModeler benefits – click here to book a demo with an expert today!


ThreatModeler revolutionizes threat modeling during the design phase by automatically analyzing potential attack surfaces. Harness our patented functionalities to make critical architectural decisions and fortify your security posture.

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Threat modeling remains essential even after deploying workloads, given the constantly evolving landscape of cloud development and digital transformation. CloudModeler not only connects to your live cloud environment but also accurately represents the current state, enabling precise modeling of your future state

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DevOps Engineers can reclaim a full (security-driven) sprint with IAC-Assist, which streamlines the implementation of vital security policies by automatically generating threat models through its intuitive designer.

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