Cloud computing is now one of the most pervasive technology trends in technology, as more companies migrate to cloud computing. The cloud continues to gain momentum as more organizations adopt the use of this software service over monolithic applications. In today’s world, innovation and automation in software development are true differentiators. The cloud and such game changers that drive application development forward go hand-in-hand.

Cybersecurity experts are typically responsible for selecting the best software development life cycle (SDLC) approach to build high-quality software that fulfills the needs of the organization, external customers or both. SDLC differs depending on the business, its policies and requirements. When it comes to cloud computing, the lifecycle of cloud software services is a completely different matter. Enter CDLC.

What is CDLC?

Cloud Development Life Cycle (CDLC) is aimed to help organizations create and sustain high quality cloud applications that are cost-effective while meeting business needs. Unlike traditional software development life cycle (SDLC), this model accelerates constant enhancement to ensure that cloud applications are optimized – whether through bug fixes, enhancements or the introduction of new capabilities.

Cloud service providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure are offer consistent services that are scalable (pay. Companies take great advantage of the cloud by leveraging cloud services. For example, AWS offers a full suite of services, which help to optimize customers’ cloud environment. Some examples are:

  • Amazon EC2 – Elastic virtual servers that provide reliable, resizable CPU
  • Amazon Security Hub helps organizations to save time and effort in maintaining security compliance, while keeping track of security levels across all AWS service accounts
  • Amazon CloudWatch – provides monitoring of system performance with a unified view of AWS resources to detect anomalous behaviors, visualize metrics, and make informed – plus automated actions – for smooth application performance.

Organizations must stick to a process that enables incessant expansion and invention, which can occur by sticking to Cloud Development Life Cycle (CDLC) best practices. Fortunately, cloud service providers constantly release new instruments and services that enable CDLC progress. With these new options come capabilities in the Internet of Things, analytics, mobile services, security and identity, and management.

While these seem fine and dandy, new features and approaches can only create value if companies have a strategy to control them. Here are some of the values Cloud Development Life Cycle (CDLC) provides to its users:

Education and Preparedness Important Factors in Planning for CDLC

Organization need to make a complete evaluation of their objectives to determine what can be attained in the cloud. Businesses and their IT departments need to understand their objectives and gain a clear picture of what the best cloud platform is for their cloud strategy.

The cloud development life cycle (CDLC) starts with education, evaluation and planning. Build a multidisciplinary team from across the organization to meet this goal.

Innovation and Enhancements are Benefits to the Cloud

Depending on their needs and current infrastructure, IT departments may move to the cloud to:

  • Optimize already running applications
  • Build a cloud infrastructure from a blank slate, leveraging efficiency and innovation the cloud provider has to offer.

Either way, cybersecurity experts work with DevOps teams to guarantee that the cloud architecture leverages the benefits of the cloud, securely. In 2020, organizations are finding ways to ensure that security is a part of every aspect along the CI/CD delivery. This means security is in every part of the CDLC, beginning in the planning stages.

Other CDLC Benefits

Application development cycles are significantly improved if growth leverages infrastructure as a service. One of the many benefits is that private software vendors don’t have to finance substantial infrastructure for development, nor do they have to handle or retain that infrastructure. The cloud offers flexibility to scale up for demand peaks and come back down when peaks end. Other benefits include:

  • Low budget for testing
  • Scalable environment that lends itself to growth
  • Infrastructure as code advantages

Cloud infrastructure implementations are drastically quicker than real infrastructure implementations. Since the cloud provider is responsible for security of the cloud infrastructure, customers can focus on other security aspects.

Additionally, service expansion and update rollouts are faster and more simplified, allowing for less disruption and a more seamless CI/CD. Sizable cloud application designers are able to deliver new highlights and frequent upgrades. They’re able to do that because of the endless assimilation and deployment abilities the cloud presents. The pace at which software can be built, tested, and installed makes CDLC more attractive than SDLC.

Securing your CDLC

Security in the cloud is a topic of high importance today, as organizations face steep obstacles and penalties if a data breach were to occur. We have learned from several notorious hacking incidents, including Capitol One in 2019, that securing your CDLC is a must for all businesses. According to a Gartner report, the truth is that your data is much safer in the cloud and securing your cloud development life cycle must be an exceptionally high priority for all cloud network services.

With cloud network services, data is backed up to the cloud rather than stockpiled physically. Some companies are still backing up the old ways or storing their data backups at an off-site location. In either case, should a calamity occur, the organization must not only make up for data lost, but ensure that preventive measures are put in place. Taking a proactive approach to securing your CDLC prevents future issues from taking place, protect your business from the fallout of data loss, among others.

Security in the CDLC is crucial for both business and individuals. Safeguarding your cloud development life cycle (CDLC) will help organizations build a high-quality software product that meets their needs while preventing potential threats and vulnerabilities from escalating risk. Finding the right solutions to protect your cloud network services is the most important step in securing your cloud development life cycle.

ThreatModeler to Secure Your CDLC

ThreatModeler, the number one automated threat modeling platform, can help you secure your cloud development life cycle (CDLC) in your cloud AWS infrastructure. ThreatModeler is an Advanced Technology Partner with AWS and has integrated with the cloud services provider to scale automatic threat models across large enterprises, providing security-related information.

Thanks to its Visual, Agile, simple threat modeling (VAST) methodology with process flow diagrams, security experts can visualize IT infrastructure with components and communication connectors. Through visualization, developers, security managers can  identify security threats and security requirements, and send approved reports up to CISOs to inform decision making.

ThreatModeler has taken previous time-consuming, manual processes and automated them to integrate with CDLC. With its full integration with AWS, users can save time and costs in building a secure environment. To learn more about how to leverage ThreatModeler to improve the security posture of your cloud infrastructure, request a live demo with a threat modeling expert. You can also contact us for more information.

Upcoming Webinar – How to Threat Model for AWS Cloud Development

This webinar will dive into the AWS CDLC and the introduction of threat modeling, using ThreatModeler. Refresh your knowledge on AWS CDLC and learn how ThreatModeler supports the CDLC. We’ll conclude with a brief demonstration and open the session to questions.

In this webinar, attendees will learn:

  • Main components of CDLC and how AWS follows the same principles within the context of the written code
  • Values of threat modeling beyond diagram, and threats and security requirements
  • Architecture patterns standards – repeatability, sustainability, and persistence
  • Guidance for vulnerability management assessments
  • Guidance for the prioritization of remediation, resolution and mitigation, plus pen testing and attack simulation path
  • ThreatModeler-driven Security Epics and acceleration of secure deployment

The session, in conjunction with AWS, will feature a presentation from AWS Principal Solutions Architect and Security Expert Scott Ward, in addition to the main presentation delivered by ThreatModeler’s Senior Director, Threat Research Center, Alex Bauert, CISSP, CLSSP.

To learn more about how ThreatModeler™ can help your organization build a scalable threat modeling process, book a demo to speak to a ThreatModeler expert today.


ThreatModeler revolutionizes threat modeling during the design phase by automatically analyzing potential attack surfaces. Harness our patented functionalities to make critical architectural decisions and fortify your security posture.

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Threat modeling remains essential even after deploying workloads, given the constantly evolving landscape of cloud development and digital transformation. CloudModeler not only connects to your live cloud environment but also accurately represents the current state, enabling precise modeling of your future state

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DevOps Engineers can reclaim a full (security-driven) sprint with IAC-Assist, which streamlines the implementation of vital security policies by automatically generating threat models through its intuitive designer.

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