Cyber Insurance: Driving Down the High Costs

Cyber Insurance: Driving Down the High Costs

C-level executives who read the latest Ponemon Institute Cost of Data Breach Study have to think seriously about whether their organization has sufficient cyber risk-mitigation measures in place – including enough cyber insurance. According to the study, the average...
ThreatModeler Benefits for CISOs and Key Stakeholders

ThreatModeler Benefits for CISOs and Key Stakeholders

When executives are too focused on keeping the lights on and distracted by constantly arising issues, it’s easy to lose sight of bigger business goals when there is only so much time in a day. Being reactive to problems like this can leave a company vulnerable...
Reasons Why CISOs Need Threat Modeling Software

Reasons Why CISOs Need Threat Modeling Software

A recent article by CSO magazine [1] highlights key findings from CISOs (Chief Information Security Officers) on how threat modeling software helps eliminate blind spots and more complex threat scenarios in their application risk profile. It also provided detail as to...


ThreatModeler revolutionizes threat modeling during the design phase by automatically analyzing potential attack surfaces. Harness our patented functionalities to make critical architectural decisions and fortify your security posture.

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Threat modeling remains essential even after deploying workloads, given the constantly evolving landscape of cloud development and digital transformation. CloudModeler not only connects to your live cloud environment but also accurately represents the current state, enabling precise modeling of your future state

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DevOps Engineers can reclaim a full (security-driven) sprint with IAC-Assist, which streamlines the implementation of vital security policies by automatically generating threat models through its intuitive designer.

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