May 11, 2022 | Recent News
A lawsuit alleges SolarWinds did not take adequate actions to prevent a data breach. Security executives offer insights into this complex case Read the full article here If you’d like to learn more about ThreatModeler’s capabilities, you can contact us...
May 10, 2022 | Recent News
U.S. President Joe Biden has signed the Better Cybercrime Metrics Act, aiming to improve how the federal government tracks, measures, analyzes and prosecutes cybercrime. Endorsed by the National Fraternal Order of Police and several national law enforcement...
May 9, 2022 | Recent News
Because of DevOps’ agile, continuous, and fast nature, building in security is essential, but many organizations struggle to do so. While that struggle is often a cultural lack of organizational priority, or even a process challenge, good tools can help enterprises to...
May 9, 2022 | Threat Modeling, Threat Modeling Process
If you follow our blog and understand our philosophy then you already know we think Threat Modeling is a Process Not a Project. It’s not a one-time deliverable with a beginning, a middle and an end. Instead, it’s an ongoing series of steps that an organization...
May 8, 2022 | Enterprise Threat Modeling, Security, Threat Models
Financial institutions are consistently in the top-five list of cyber attack targets, with the greatest increase in data breach risk coming from outside hackers.[1] Customer financial records and associated personally identifying information are high-value commodities...
May 5, 2022 | Press Release
ThreatModeler, a leader in securing cloud infrastructure from design to deployment, today announced that CloudModeler has earned a Silver Stevie® Award for Best Cloud Platform as part of the 20th Annual American Business Awards®. Optimizing ThreatModeler’s automated...
May 2, 2022 | Cyber Risk, IoT Cybersecurity, Regulatory Compliance, security controls
When you think of cyber threats, you probably think about phishing attacks targeted at corporate employees or ransomware aimed at financial institutions. You probably don’t think about a hacker attacking a digital thermometer, but you should. The next great wave of...
Apr 29, 2022 | Recent News
Two new reports find that developers are struggling to keep up with an endless flood of security issues, and that overall security is suffering as a result. 42% self-reported pushing vulnerable code at least once every month, and they are only able to get to 32% of...
Apr 25, 2022 | Threat Modeling
The Forbes Magazine has been around since 1917 and we’re guessing this is the first article they’ve ever done on threat modeling. According to its bio, it Forbes magazine features “original articles on finance, industry, investing, and marketing topics.” And while it...
Apr 18, 2022 | Cloud security, Cloud Threat Modeling, Threat Modeling
The good news with deploying applications in the cloud is that you can changes things fast in response to changing demands. The bad news? The same thing: you can change things really fast. And generally speaking, fast changes and security don’t mix very well. Clouds...