How to create and manage a rock-solid DevSecOps framework

How to create and manage a rock-solid DevSecOps framework

Security has long been treated as an afterthought in software development. Developers work to create effective code but only consider software security in the testing and deployment stages of the development lifecycle. With accelerating intellectual property theft,...
A Glimpse Into the Future of Threat Modeling

A Glimpse Into the Future of Threat Modeling

Like everything else in the world of cybersecurity, threat modeling tools and practices continue to evolve. How is threat modeling evolving? There are five areas where we will continue to see improvement in the future. These are 1) collaboration; 2) ease of use; 3)...
DevSecOps and the importance of threat modeling [Q&A]

DevSecOps and the importance of threat modeling [Q&A]

In the past security has been something that was added only at the end of the development process. But as release cycles have accelerated this is no longer a viable approach.       DevSecOps and the importance of threat modeling [Q&A] If you’d like...