
Explore our latest blogs, where we cover everything from software security and threat modeling to compliance and risk management – covering the topics that matter to you.

implement enterprise threat modeling

Why CISOs Implement Enterprise Threat Modeling

Threat modeling for critical and high-risk application security has been a mainstay of software development for nearly a decade. The immediate...
DevOps Legacy Systems

Improving DevOps: Including Legacy Systems

If there is such a thing as “traditional DevOps,” it is a two-dimensional beast. Consider, for example, the relatively simple two-dimensional graph...
DevOps Security

Improving DevOps Security: Shifting Security Right

The next most popular conversation around DevOps has to do with where the bottleneck is currently at its worst, DevOps security. Throughout this...
Transformational Leadership

DevOps Transformational Leadership

Organizations are becoming increasingly digital-driven, causing the business world to become highly interconnected. Relationships between...
Operational visibility

Improving DevOps with Operational Visibility

DevOps creates an environment which may be systemically flawed, in part due to a lack of operational visibility into application post-deployment...
IoT Security

IoT Security is an Economic Issue

Reporters around the globe are writing and watching as IoT security takes another dark turn with a new botnet. The new beast, dubbed IoTroop –...
up-front QA

How to Improve DevOps Quality Assurance

Throughout this series on How to Improve your DevOps Implementation, we have considered how organizations can left-shift security fully into the...
Cross-Functional Collaboration

How to Create Cross-Functional Collaboration

Organizations seeking to improve performance and their bottom line need look no further than improving their DevOps implementation. Based on survey...
DevOps implementation

How to Improve your DevOps Implementation

A flat tire on your morning commute can leave you stranded for hours, and a broken cog in the factory can wreak havoc on the entire assembly line. The...