Explore our latest blogs, where we cover everything from software security and threat modeling to compliance and risk management – covering the topics that matter to you.
Application Threat Modeling: Guide for CISOs
Application Threat modeling is a structured and methodical approach that allows you to identify potential threats to applications, classify them by...
Secure Your CDLC with Threat Modeling
Cloud computing is now one of the most pervasive technology trends in technology, as more companies migrate to cloud computing. The cloud continues to...
Threat Modeling for Critical Industrial Control Systems
Industrial Control Systems (ICS) involve the devices, systems networks, controls and instrumentation that are involved in industrial process control...
5 Things to Do Before You Threat Model
Threat modeling is vital for businesses trying to become proactive and deliberate in SDLC and CDLC with adequate application security. Security teams...
AWS Lambda Features and Security
As technology advances, so does cybercrime. Hackers find increasingly sophisticated ways to compromise IT systems and applications. Organizations are...
Three Pillars of a Scalable Threat Modeling Practice
When threat modeling methodologies first moved from theory to application in the early 2000s, completing one model for every 40 hours of personnel...
Biggest Data Breaches of 2019
Data has become one of the most treasured resources in the world. Businesses that rely on cybernetic technology driven by data are perhaps the most...
Modernize Your SQL Server Environment with VMware Cloud on AWS
Organizations migrating to a public cloud often face the same challenge: a major architectural variation between various base components such as...
Biggest Data Breaches Over the Past Decade
Over the past decade, our world has experienced horrific data breaches, a massive number of hackers, lots of nation-wide cyber-undercover activities...